Learn more about this common diagnostic procedure and why it’s performed at out New Lenox office.
Are you dealing with stomach pains or other gastrointestinal issues? If so, our New Lenox, IL, gastroenterologist, Dr. Kamran Ayub, may recommend getting an endoscopy, a diagnostic test that will allow your doctor to be able to see the lining of the digestive tract to detect issues. Before you get an endoscopy here’s what you should know...
What is the purpose of an endoscopy?
This nonsurgical procedure is used for both diagnostic and treatment purposes. During this procedure, a thin, flexible scope is placed into the body either through the mouth or the rectum to check specific regions of the gastrointestinal tract. Attached to the end of this scope is a camera, which allows our GI doctors to monitor and detect issues.
An endoscopy may be used if you are experiencing,
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Bowel changes (e.g. persistent constipation or diarrhea)
Colon polyps
Abdominal pain
Gastritis or stomach ulcers
Trouble swallowing
An endoscopy can also allow our gastroenterologist to stop active bleeds or remove polyps. Sometimes gallstones that have already moved into the bile duct can also be removed through a simple endoscopy.
How long will the procedure take?
In most cases, an upper endoscopy will only take about 10-15 minutes while a colonoscopy can take up to 30 minutes (this will depend on whether or not we find polyps that need to be removed). The recovery process usually takes no more than 45 minutes.
Will I be asleep during my endoscopy?
In most cases, you’ll be under the effects of an anesthetic known as twilight or conscious sedation. This form of anesthesia is administered through an IV, and while you may fall asleep or remember nothing about the procedure, you will be able to respond if spoken to.
Are there any side effects associated with an endoscopy?
If you are undergoing an endoscopy, you may experience a very minor sore throat or scratchiness once the endoscope is removed. If you have to undergo a colonoscopy you may experience some gas or cramping afterward.
Need an endoscopy? Give us a call!
If you are dealing with symptoms that could indicate that you are dealing with stomach, intestinal, or colon issues, then it’s time to turn to our expert gastrointestinal team. We have three offices in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, to serve you. Call us today at (708) 475-5233 to schedule an appointment.