Some people get heartburn more frequently than others. If your heartburn is related to acid reflux, your doctor, Dr. Kamran Ayub of Southwest Gastroenterology a division of GI Partners of Illinois with offices in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, also serving Frankfort and Orland Park, IL, can diagnose and treat your acid reflux.
Acid Reflux
When the lower sphincter at the end of your esophagus doesn't close completely, your stomach's acidic content can get into the lower end of your esophagus. Since your esophagus isn't built to withstand such conditions, your stomach's acidic content getting into your esophagus causes unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn.
Several factors such as pregnancy, medication, hiatal hernia, and eating habits can cause acid reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a medical condition that features chronic acid reflux needing medical care.
Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Heartburn is one of the significant symptoms of acid reflux. Heartburn can feel like there's a fire in your chest that can move upward into your neck. Other common acid reflux signs include:
Food regurgitation
Trouble swallowing
A feeling of something caught in your throat
Sore throat
Chest pain
Bad breath
Unpleasant taste in your mouth
Your doctor may be able to tell if you've got acid reflux when you visit his offices in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, also serving Frankfort and Orland Park, IL, to discuss your symptoms. An endoscopy may be necessary for diagnosis. Here, your doctor sends a tube into your upper gut to examine it. He may take small tissue for further testing.
Managing acid reflux may require changes to your diet and your doctor can guide you through this change. Over-the-counter medication may help manage your symptoms. Prescription-strength medications from your doctor may be necessary for more severe symptoms. Common medications for acid reflux management include:
Proton pump inhibitors
H-2 receptor blockers
If you've got unpleasant heartburn and other signs of acid reflux, consult your doctor. Call (708) 475-5233 to see your doctor, Dr. Ayub of Southwest Gastroenterology a division of GI Partners of Illinois, with offices in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, also serving Frankfort and Orland Park, IL, for acid reflux diagnosis and treatment.