Your gastroenterologist at Southwest Gastroenterology in New Lenox and Oak Lawn, IL, Dr. Kamran Ayub specializes in Advanced Endoscopy and performs many variations on modern endoscopy. Viewing, diagnosing and treating many upper GI tract anomalies and diseases using innovative and minimally-invasive procedures, Dr. Ayub and his staff provide premier care in a setting that's patient-centered and comfortable. Dr. Ayub is considered an expert in advanced endoscopy and colonoscopy. He has trained numerous physicians in this field and has spoken extensively on these topics at national and international meetings. Learn the details on endoscopy and what it could do for you.
What is an endoscopy? In years past, physicians had X-ray imaging and exploratory surgery to examine and treat problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Procedures were more difficult and imprecise, often yielded insufficient information or created post-procedure problems during recovery.
Not so with state-of-the-art endoscopy diagnostics and treatments from your New Lenox, IL, gastroenterologist. Using a small bore flexible tube, equipped with a light and real time video camera, Dr. Ayub obtains detailed pictures of the size and shape of the GI tract. He can locate cancerous and benign lesions, pinpoint structural abnormalities, perform biopsies and more.
The procedure requires no special preparation beyond fasting. The doctor uses oral/IV sedatives to relax the patient and inserts the thin endoscope through the mouth and into the esophagus. He can examine the entire upper GI tract into the stomach using this advanced instrument, taking real-time video and still color images as well. He can also examine the entire colon using a colonoscopy (this required colon cleansing the day before the procedure), and Dr. Ayub is one of few physicians in the country offering Double Balloon enteroscopy to examine the small bowel which is approximately 22 feet long.
In all, the procedure takes about half an hour. Patients spend a short time in recovery and are driven home by a friend or relative. For many, the doctor is able to give a detailed report right away.
The versatility of endoscopy Because of Dr. Ayub's innovative insight into advanced endoscopy, Southwest Gastroenterology offers a range of treatments, including: Bile duct and pancreatitis interventions including cyst drainage, Endomicroscopy and Habib Probe Ablation of bile duct cancer About 15% of Bile Duct/Pancreatic duct interventions performed by Dr. Ayub are failed procedures (ERCP) at other hospitals. Dr. Ayub also performs complex colonoscopy and resections that are only offered by few gastroenterologists around the country.
Treatment of dysphagia, or problems with swallowing
Treatments for GERD (acid reflux) and Barrett's esophagus (a pre-cancerous condition)
Detection and removal of cancerous conditions using endoscopic dissection and full thickness resection techniques.
Palliative cancer therapy to increase patient comfort
Photodynamic therapy (activation of certain cancer drugs with specific wavelengths of light)
Radiofrequency ablation (killing nerve tissue to control pain)
Balloon placement for weight loss
And, the list goes on.
Do you need an endoscopy or colonoscopy? This is typically needed for symptoms like heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, difficulty swallowing, nausea vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and abdominal swelling etc.
If you do need this detailed examination, rest assured you're in exceptionally capable hands. To schedule your GI consultation, please contact Southwest Gastroenterology at (708) 475-5233. We have offices in New Lenox, Oaklawn, and Joliet, IL.