If you suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, also known as GERD, it’s important to be aware of the signs of a more serious issue that GERD can cause, Barrett’s Esophagus. Your gastroenterologist, Dr. Kamran Ayub, in Oak Lawn, Joliet, and New Lennox, IL, and serving Orland Park and Frankfort, IL, is here to answer any questions about Barrett’s Esophagus that you may have and help you identify if this issue is affecting you.
What is Barrett’s Esophagus?
Barrett’s Esophagus is when the lining of the esophagus is consistently exposed to stomach acid and becomes damaged, which makes the lining begin to resemble the lining of the intestines. The lining can begin to thicken and turn red because of the damage.
Barrett’s Esophagus is met with a small chance of developing esophageal cancer, which is why it’s important to visit with your gastroenterologist serving Oak Lawn, Joliet, Orland Park, Frankfort, and New Lennox, IL, to determine if Barrett’s Esophagus is affecting you. Your gastroenterologist can do checks with an endoscope to check for any changes in the lining of your esophagus. The risk of cancer is fairly small, but it is still something to be aware of when dealing with Barrett’s Esophagus.
Some signs to look out for are:
Consistent heartburn and regurgitation.
Difficulty swallowing.
Chest pain.
Acid reflux.
These are all signs commonly associated with GERD, which is a main contributing factor to Barrett’s Esophagus.
Contact Your Gastroenterologist Today! If you struggle with consistent heartburn, difficulty swallowing, or any other symptoms of GERD, it’s important that you contact your doctor sooner rather than later so that they can keep an eye on your esophagus and begin treating you before things progress and get more serious. Call Dr. Kamran Ayub, in Oak Lawn, Joliet, and New Lennox, IL, and serving Orland Park and Frankfort, IL, at (708) 475-5233 today to learn more about Barrett’s Esophagus and if it may be affecting you.