How your gastroenterologist in New Lenox, IL, can treat GERD
Heartburn is a common problem, especially if you eat a lot of spicy foods. However, if you are experiencing heartburn all the time, it could be a sign of something else being afoot, most likely gastroesophageal reflux disease. Fortunately, Dr. Kamran Ayub here at Southwest Gastroenterology can help. With several convenient office locations in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, Dr. Ayub is committed to helping treat patients' GERD!
More about GERD
Affecting over 60 million people in the United States according to the American College of Gastroenterology, GERD is caused when the sphincter muscle between your stomach and esophagus fails to close completely, and thus allows acid from your stomach to come up into your esophagus. GERD can cause several annoying and painful symptoms, including:
Chronic throat pain
A sour taste and bad breath
Chronic coughing and wheezing
Eroding tooth enamel which causes sensitive teeth
Chronic chest pain, nausea, and vomiting
To help pacify GERD symptoms, consider:
Eating smaller meals
Stopping the use of tobacco products
Not eating before going to bed or lying down
Avoiding spicy or acidic foods
Taking over-the-counter antacids
If your symptoms persist after implementing the above lifestyle changes, you should definitely a consultation with our gastroenterologist. After all, if GERD goes untreated, the constant flow of stomach acid can cause serious problems in your esophagus, including:
Esophageal inflammation, which results in the swelling of your esophagus and difficulty swallowing
Esophageal ulcers, which results in nausea, chest pain, and problems swallowing
Esophageal narrowing and scarring, which results in problems swallowing
Esophageal cancer
Concerned? Give us a call!
You can do a lot to help with GERD, but you may not be able to achieve relief alone. That's where your gastroenterologist can help. To find out more about the causes of GERD, symptoms, and how to get relief, call Dr. Kamran Ayub at Southwest Gastroenterology, with convenient office locations in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, Illinois. Don’t wait to get the relief you need. Call (708) 475-5233 now!