How your gastroenterologist in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, can help you feel better
There are many different types of abdominal pain. Abdominal pain can come on suddenly, or it can be a chronic occurrence and you’ve just become used to it. You shouldn’t ignore abdominal pain, because it can be a sign of something serious. Your gastroenterologist can help.
Dr. Kamran Ayub at Southwest Gastroenterology has effective treatments for abdominal pain. He has several convenient office locations in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, to help you feel better.
More about Abdominal Pain
You may be wondering what is causing your abdominal pain. The fact is, if abdominal pain happens suddenly, it can be a sign of:
A bladder or kidney infection
Kidney stones
Appendicitis, diverticulitis, or cystitis
Peritonitis or pancreatitis
A urinary tract infection or gastroenteritis
If your abdominal pain is chronic and recurrent, it can be a sign of:
Gastritis or celiac disease
A hiatal or inguinal hernia
Irritable bowel syndrome
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
A peptic ulcer or ulcerative colitis
Pelvic inflammatory disease
If your abdominal pain is progressive and gets worse over time, it can be a sign of:
Hepatitis or Crohn’s disease
Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
Pancreatic, kidney, stomach, liver, or gallbladder cancer
Sometimes abdominal pain will go away on its own, but there are definite indications you should see your gastroenterologist. For instance, make an appointment with your gastroenterologist immediately if you have:
A high fever and severe pain
Persistent nausea or vomiting
Sudden weight loss
Blood in your stool
Yellowing of your skin
Abdominal swelling and tenderness
Your gastroenterologist may recommend diagnostic procedures to find the source of your abdominal pain. Common recommended procedures include an endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, abdominal ultrasound, or a combination of procedures.
Concerned? Give Us a Call
Don’t ignore abdominal pain. You can find relief by calling Dr. Kamran Ayub of Southwest Gastroenterology at (708) 475-5233. He has offices in New Lenox, Oak Lawn, and Joliet, IL, to help you feel better, so call now!